Treasurer Position Open

REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS– CITY TREASURER.  River Heights City invites proposals from applicants to serve as the River Heights City Treasurer. Duties include bi-weekly payroll for small city staff, accounts payable, budget processing, budget entry, reports, and data compilation re accounts payable, budgeting and payroll. Maintain employee records, monthly bank reconciliation.  Comprehension of governmental fund accounting. Financial statements are to be prepared in accordance with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP). Interested applicants should submit their proposal which addresses the proposal requirements. Proposals may be submitted by person, U.S. mail, courier, or [email protected] to Sheila Lind.  Phone number: 435-752-2646 ext 1.  Mailing Address: 520 S. 500 E. River Heights, Utah 84321.  Proposals will be accepted until 2:30 pm (MST) June 23, 2022. River Heights City reserves the right to reject any and or all proposals, and to waive any informalities in the bidding process. Posted June 16, 2022.